
Anybody in the technology related world is given undue prominence.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Dizzying heights

Well, I changed job and then went on a hunt one week into the new one. This is one hell of a world with options gaping at you from all directions. With over 6 years dolling out PR collaterals and increasingly getting lackadaisical in a cushy job, I fell prey for a guy who has been yanking PR professionals into his interminable and paranoid world of IT. I should certainly have known, having experienced the wrath of his verbal diarrhoea. But then, being a lesser mortal,one is entitled to commit mistakes. I did too.

From a world filled with sunshine, I get a feeling that I have been transported to moon (as if I know that place well). Hey! that's what I feel ok - a crazy make belief world filled with specimens (I call them namoonas). You rake in monies but you reek of sweat caused by lassitude.

Am now trying to follow the guy who said adapting to dynamic environment would enable one to build intelligence. That idiot however didn't mention the time-period one has to "adapt." Who knows, I'll turn a little more intelligent after a month. If not, I'll surely do in the next move.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Branded Journalism

Not many seem to know the power of PR, even the professionals involved in the industry. A close look at some of the seosoned professionals and their work will unravel some of the murky secrets doing the rounds in media houses and corporate houses. Having worked in this field for over six years now, am increasingly developing skepticism towards journalism. I have realized that anyone with a good rapport with prime beat journalist can spin-off favourable stories. The concept of positioning has been stretched to 'branded journalism' with PR professionals tweaking up articles and features along with journalists for favourable positioning in the market.
A second tier MNC IT services that was ranked below an Indian company in the same space claims it's the only American company in the list of top technology services company. It's quite obvious for industry watchers that the American company is ranked below the Indian company, however, for a lay man the American company is ranked as the "only" American IT services firm in the list. What does it convey? And, why do media in India tolerate such crap? A nobody-reads magazine to quote and widely-read publications in India to reprint the same - new age journalism, huh! With majority of its employees based in India, the so-called American firm accrues most of its revenues by putting these employees in rigour. It's a pity the same employees and prospective employees still fall for such blatant lies.