Was recollecting my conversation with a marketing veteran, an FMCG consultant who has now entrenched himself on the technology space. We were discussing about the latest trend amongst young executives to swagger a little even with "wispy" laptops in a designer leather bag.The conversation eventually drfted towards the future of "presentations." The laptops are getting lighter, storage bigger and features even better. Coupled with this is the revolution that's happening in the telecom space. The mobile phone penetration is increasing while the adoption of fixed phones are staggering. More importantly, mobile phones are increasingly becoming a multi-functional device - transfering voice and data seamlessly across various medium and across the world. With storage increasingly becoming small, in the form of pen drives and in the days to come even smaller. Can presentations be carried on phones and played on screens mounted on walls at the client's office?
Social Marketing
Am not strongly cued into emergence of categories, be it in FMCG, Telco or IT. However, the concept of Social Marketing caught my attention as it cut through industries and showcased its potential as a powerful marketing tool. With marketeers increasingly vying for business from prospective and existing customers, the focus is shifting from selling to establishing relationships. The company boasting better relationships win. This is reflected in the success of an increasing number of companies. While HLL took to the rural masses via network marketing,ITC established e-choupals. That was just the beginning. How about breakfast sessions with the top honchos of the target audience, a cruise with decision makers in the caribeam islands, a game of golf with government and CXO's. Well, social marketing is increasingly becoming the new-age tool to establish relationships.
The connected world
Sometime back, I had written about this. Today, after reading an article about “connected individuals,” I think this will be a reality sooner than expected. We have witnessed fervent activities in the networking space. From Value Added Networks to Internet, Wifi to WiMax and now sensors. Well, in between this is the increased adoption of mobile phones and the emergence of “mobile technologies.” The dream of a connected world sans wires isn’t far, isn’t it? What’s more appealing is that human beings are going to be an integral part of this emerging mobile world. How? The emergence of sensors will connect every individual, giving more power in interaction and decision-making. Parents can figure out what kids are upto at the press of a button. Imagine the business implication. The concept of business intelligence will have a new meaning what with the Sales head getting real-time data from the salespersons on field via sensors.