
Anybody in the technology related world is given undue prominence.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Future's Bright for CS grads

That's the title of an article by Maria Klawe in CIO. She says the number of computer science students in US have plummeted post the dot com days. Juxtapose this with the strong demand in the industry - Google, MS etc have repeatedly announced the need for a well-rounded computer scientist. With IT spanning every industry and function - be it accounting, healthcare, manufacturing, sales - need of the hour is not specialist but versatilist. That's a trend forcasted by Gartner. Ironically, the tech hot bed called India is also sailing in the same water as US. Despite the much hyped growth in offshoring, only about 25% of the techies are suitable for employment. And, more importantly majority of them don't speak English. To top it all, there is no change in stance on the part of engineering institutions to change the course ware to mould the IT pros into a well-rouded future-ready professional. When the numbers are dwindling in US, shouldn't we be pro-actively gearing up to cater to their needs. Well, our service standards first needs a re-look.